úterý 16. prosince 2014

Christmas in Britain

What words you think you will hear in this video? 

What do you want to know about Christmas in Britain?

How many words from your list have you heard in the video?

Has the video answered your questions? 

What have you already known?

What have you learned? 

úterý 9. prosince 2014

Word search puzzle

Dokážeš najít všechny slova?
Co mají tato slova společné?
Vytvoř z těchto slov svůj příběh. 

pondělí 8. prosince 2014

Your Penguin Stories

Bill the Penguin

by Juli

Bill is a very nice penguin.
Bill lives in Antarctica.
He has got a snow igloo.
He likes the Beatles.
He likes swimming in the ocean.
Every day he slides on the frozen iceberg.
He is a good friend of the fish Fleur.

Silvester the Penguin

by Evelínka

This is the penguin Silvester.
He has got a big family.
He has got two small twins.
His house is wearing a small chimney.
He has got a mum. Her name is Snowflake. Dad´s name is Icicle.
It is night. Silvester´s brothers are sleeping. 
Silvester isn´t sleeping. He is reading the book.
His mum comes and says "Good night!". 

Anty the Penguin

by Anička

Once upon a time there was a small penguin. His name is Anty. Anty lives in Antarctica.  
Anty has black and silver and white feathers. Anty hunts delicious fish. 
Anty has a baby sister Tim. Tim likes frozen ice nad Anty, too. 
Anty is alone and Tim is very happy. 
They have friends. Anty has friends Simon, Adam and Charlie. Tim has friends Emma, Lili, Roxy. 
They haven´t got parents. They must take care of themselves. 
They like jumping off the iceberg. 
They live in the igloo. 
Anty and friends like swimming in the ocean. 
It is snowing there. They are happy. 

Monty the Penguin

by Justýnka

Monty is a small penguin.
He lives in the igloo.
He can swim in the ocean.
Monty hunts fish in the ocean.
Monty eats fish and icicles.
Monty likes building the snowmen.
He likes ocean.
The End.

Monty the Penguin

by Jakub

This is the Monty, the little penguin.
He has got one son, his name is Zidan.
He lives in a beautiful igloo. His igloo is built on the huge iceberg, in the ocean.
He wants to see a ship. He believes his dream will come truth, but not this day.
His profession is a vet.

Monty the Penguin

by Matyáš

This is Monty.
He lives in Antarctica.
His favourite food is fish.
He has got black and white feathers.
Monty likes swimming in a frozen ocean.
His igloo is on the iceberg.
He has got friends.
Monty likes playing with his friends and snow.
He likes to live in Antarctica. 

Carlos the Penguin

by František

Carlos the Penguin lives in Antarctica.
He has got feathers.
He hunts fish, walks on the frozen iceberg, builds igloos, swims in the ocean. 
There is snow in Antarctica.

Charlie the Penguin

by Kája

He lives in Antarctica.
He is great at swimming.
He lives near the ocean.
He was never in the igloo.
Charlie lives on the big iceberg.
It snows there very much.
He hunts fish.
He has got very very many feathers.
He is very very very happy!
He is cool!
The End.

Monty the Penguin

by Viktor S.

The penguin lives in Antarctica.
He hunts fish in the ocean.
He lives in the frozen iceberg covered with snow.
He has got black and white feathers.
He builds igloos and swims with fish.

neděle 30. listopadu 2014

Osnova projektu "My home"

Stručně se představíš.
Hi! My name is …
I am … years old.
I am  from the Czech republic.
Popíšeš, kde bydlíš.
I live in Prague.
I live in a flat. (Bydlím v bytě.)
I live in a house. (Bydlím v domě.)
My address is …
My post code is …
My phone number is …
Popíšeš váš byt nebo dům.
Hey, look! This is my home.
This is our flat. (Toto je náš byt.)
This is our house. (Toto je náš dům.)
We have got … (a small hall, a big living room with kitchen, a bedroom, a toilet, a bathroom and my room).
Popíšeš, kde se jednotlivé místnosti nacházejí.

Nezapomeň na „There is/There are“.
Použij předložky místa: next to, between, on the right, on the left.
There is a toilet and a bathroom in the hall.
There is a bedroom next to the living room on the right.

Popíšeš, kde se nachází tvůj pokojíček.

Popíšeš, s kým pokojíček sdílíš.
And where is my room?
My room is … (next to the bedroom on the left).
I have got my room with … (my sister Ema).
Popíšeš, který pokoj je tvůj oblíbený a co se v něm nachází.

Popíšeš, jakou činnost v této místnosti vykonáváš.
My favourite room is
It is … (small but very nice). (but = ale)
There is a
There are
I read books, draw pictures, learn, do my homework, play games and sleep in my room.

Projekt můžete udělat na velkou čtvrtku (nebo víc čtvrtek), nebo jako prezentaci v PowerPointu, resp. ve Wordu.

Pokuste se udělat půdorys bytu/domu, udělat fotografie (nakreslit) některých místností, vyfotit (nakreslit) váš oblíbený pokoj nebo vyfotit (nakreslit) sebe vykonávajíc jednotlivé činnosti v různých pokojích.

Prezentovat svůj projekt budete umět, jako vždy, zpaměti. 

pátek 13. června 2014

This is our school!

středa 2. dubna 2014

"My pet" sketches

Něco z dnešní hodiny ... která utekla tak rychle!
I když času bylo málo, podívejte, co se vám podařilo :)




středa 5. března 2014

"My Week" projects
















neděle 16. února 2014

Osnova projektu "My week"

This is my week.
Toto je můj týden.
My favourite day is (Saturday).
I wake up at …. in the morning.
I wash my face.
I brush my teeth.
I comb my hair.
I take off my pyjamas.
I put on …
I eat breakfast at … in the morning.
In the afternoon I …
In the evening I …
I go to bed at … in the evening.
Můj oblíbený den je (sobota).
Vzbudím se v … hodin ráno.
Umyju si obličej.
Vyčistím si zuby.
Učešu se.
Svléknu si pyžamo.
Obleču si …
Nasnídám se v … hodin ráno.
Odpoledne …
Večer …
Do postele jdu v … hodin večer. 
Popíše podrobně svůj jeden oblíbený den.
Fráze jsme se již naučili prostřednictvím písně.
Doplní, co si obleče.
Doplní, co obvykle děla v tento den odpoledne a večer.
On Sunday I …
V neděli …
Postupně popíše každý den v týdnu, ale ne už tak podrobně. Začne nedělí, jelikož anglický týden začíná v kalendáři nedělí.
On Monday I (go to school).
I (go to school) at … in the morning.
V pondělí (chodím do školy).
(Do školy chodím) v … hodin ráno.
Postačí jedna činnost, kterou ten den obvykle vykonává, i s udáním času.
On Tuesday I …
I … at …
V úterý …
… v … hodin.
Jedna činnost + čas.
On Wednesday I …
I … at …
Ve středu …
… v … hodin.
Jedna činnost + čas.
On Thursday I …
I … at …
Ve čtvrtek …
… v … hodin.
Jedna činnost + čas.
On Friday I …
I … at …
V pátek …
… v … hodin.
Jedna činnost + čas.

pondělí 10. února 2014

My body

This is my head.
This is my hair.
This is my chin.
These are my eyes.
These are my cheeks.
These are my fingers.

neděle 9. února 2014

My Week

"Days of the week" songs

Days of the week game!


My day

I get up at ...

Her day

She getsssssssssssss up at ...

Pippy and his day

Let´s play some more games!

pátek 24. ledna 2014

Clothes: Mind Maps

Great job, Juli!
Fantastic, Justýnka!
Great, Matyáš!
WOW, Evelínka!
 Fantastic, Ema!

sobota 11. ledna 2014



What are you wearing today?

 I am wearing ... 
You are wearing ... 
He / She / It is wearing ...

We are wearing ...
You are wearing ...
They are wearing ...

Your turn! 

Learn and play!